Clark Bridge and Yosemite Sign

Built in 1928, this historic bridge features an arch spanning 75 feet across the Merced River. Like many Yosemite structures, it’s a great example of the National Park Service’s rustic style, nicknamed ‘Parkitecture’.

You may now dump all the remaining pieces out of your storage box. Be careful, as some are quite small.

You should have 22 green tree pieces, 2 blue rivers, 2 large backdrops, and 32 small miscellaneous pieces.

The Yosemite Sign and Clark Bridge pieces include the following: 

Yosemite Sign

Sandwich the Wooden Sign piece in between the two Stone Sign holder pieces, with the engraved designs facing outward. The three slots should be lined up. Then slide the Sign Connector piece into the three slots.

Parts needed: Sign, Stone Side (x2), Connector

Clark Bridge - Step 1

Lay one of the Bridge Side pieces upside down, and insert the bridge Platform and four Stair pieces.

Parts needed: Bridge Side, Platform, Stairs (x4)

Step 2

Attach the other Bridge Side piece to the platform and stairs. You’ll have to carefully line everything up to get it to snap in.

Parts needed: Bridge Side

Step 3

Slide the two Stair Connector pieces into the slots in the bridge sides.

Parts needed: Stair Connectors (x2)


Ahwahnee Hotel

