Yosemite Wildlife and Scenery

El Capitan and Half Dome are two of the most prominent sights of Yosemite National Park. These huge granite features frame the rest of Yosemite’s beauty, including the Merced River and many types of coniferous trees. Look a little closer and you’ll see plenty of wildlife, including mule deer and black bears.

The remaining pieces include the following:


Slide the Large Tree Top piece onto the Large Tree Bottom piece. Then do the same with the small tree pieces. You will have six large trees and five small trees. Be gentle with the outer branches of the trees.

Parts needed: Large Tree Top (x6), Large Tree Bottom (x6), Small Tree Top (x5), Small Tree Bottom (x5)


For each animal, slide two Leg pieces onto the Body pieces. All four deer leg pieces are identical - and they are skinnier than the bear legs. The bear legs are also identical to each other, except of course for the size of the baby bears’ legs.

Parts needed: Buck Body, Doe Body, Deer legs (x4), Mother Bear Body, Mother Bear Legs (x2), Baby Bear Body (x2), Baby Bear Legs (x4)


For each backdrop (El Capitan and Half Dome), slide two Backdrop Stands into the slots. These backdrop stands are the only pieces you’ll have to take apart when you put your village back in the storage box.

Parts needed: El Capitan, Half Dome, Backdrop Stands (x4)

Merced River

The two River pieces go together like a puzzle, but you have two options. The river can either follow a straight path, or you can flip one river piece upside down, which will give it a 90 degree angle.

Parts needed: River (x2)

 Congrats, your Yosemite Winter Village is complete! Now add your tea lights and have fun arranging your village!

The Yosemite Village is brand new product, so we’d love to hear any feedback or problems you may have encountered while assembling your village. Let us know if there’s anything we can do better!


Yosemite Sign and Clark Bridge