Yellowstone Wildlife and Scenery

Yellowstone is one of best places in the world for spectacular wildlife viewing. Bison, moose, and wolves are just three examples of the many creatures that call Yellowstone home. And of course it’s the only place in the world to see so many unique geological features, including geysers like Old Faithful. Add to that amazing sights like Yellowstone Falls, and you have a truly special place in Yellowstone National Park.

The remaining pieces include the following:


Slide the Large Tree Top piece onto the Large Tree Bottom piece. Then do the same with the small tree pieces. You will have six large trees and five small trees. Be gentle with the outer branches of the trees.

Parts needed: Large Tree Top (x6), Large Tree Bottom (x6), Small Tree Top (x5), Small Tree Bottom (x5)

Bull Moose - Step 1

Take the Bull Moose, which has a small slot on top of its head, and press the Antlers into that small slot. But be gentle with the antlers while doing this.

Parts needed: Bull Moose, Antlers

Bull Moose - Step 2

Next, slide two of the Moose Legs up onto the body. Be sure to use the moose legs, which are taller than the wolf legs.

Parts needed: Moose Legs (x2)

Rest of Wildlife

For each remaining animal, slide two Leg pieces onto the Body pieces. Be sure to use the correct legs for each animal.

Parts needed: Cow Moose, Moose Legs (x2), Bison (x2), Bison Legs (x4), Bison Calf, Bison Calf Legs (x2), Wolf, Wolf Legs (x2)

Old Faithful

First, place the Old Faithful Front piece on top of the larger Old Faithful Geyser piece. Then slide the two Old Faithful Supports up into the slots.

Parts needed: Old Faithful Geyser, Old Faithful Front, Old Faithful Support (x2)


For each backdrop (Mount Sheridan and Lower Yellowstone Falls), slide two Backdrop Stands into the slots. These backdrop stands are the only pieces you’ll have to take apart when you put your village back in the storage box.

Parts needed: Mount Sheridan, Lower Yellowstone Falls, Backdrop Stands (x4)

Yellowstone River

The two River pieces go together like a puzzle, but you have two options. The river can either form a bend, or you can flip one river piece upside down, which will make it form a straighter path.

Parts needed: Yellowstone River (x2)

Congrats, your Yellowstone Winter Village is complete! Now add your tea lights and have fun arranging your village!


Fishing Bridge and Yellowstone Sign